Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Caught Red Handed!

I was searching a website for a new recipe for a veggie sidedish and Eden was working at her own little desk behind me in the office.  A big wonderful brownie picture happened to display itself on my computer screen and was fortunate enough to catch the attention of a certain young(er) lady.

"Momma I think we should make that in our next cooking class"
"Well what about the tomato surprise you wanted to make?"
"No, I think I need to make these first so I can see if I want to serve these at my next pajama party"

Just so you know, there isn't a pajama party on the calendar, nor is there one in the works.  I have to give her credit for her ability to scramble quick at logical reasoning.  This "testing" is new to me since I am not organized enough to do this myself when I try new recipes for meals being served to guests...I just hold my breath and hope for the best.  She must get this from her father who is a rocket scientist....I'm sure he tests things out in his line of work before sending it to outer space (hopefully).

"I can't peel these momma, it's making my finger knock on the board and now it hurts."
"I can take over that part then."
"But now my hands won't get red" (can you just hear the disappointment?)
"How about you rinse the beets off once I've peeled them?"
"YEAH ok, make sure you get a picture of the red on my hands ok?"
"The red is important to you isn't it."
"well, it IS MY cooking class momma!"

What was in this brownie recipe?
  • organic, pastured eggs (balanced ratio of omega6's to omega 3's, along with every other vitamin known to man)
  • light organic spelt flour (containing all vitamins naturally, no pesticides or GMO)
  • organic dark chocolate (antioxidants and down right awesomeness)
  • organic full fat butter (fat soluble vitamins, essential fatty acids, CLA from being grass fed )
  • organic, local, fresh beets! (need I say more?)
  • organic, fair trade coconut sugar (low processed natural sugar in place of brown sugar)
It turns out the brownies are a big hit with all of us.  The taste is outrageous and the ingredients are nourishing....together that makes a very pleasant nosh!  By the way, many of the recipes I use are found on websites or in books that are listed in the resources link of http://www.foodkin.ca/.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Homemade Lemonade

Eden was soooo excited about planning for the next cooking class she actually developed the plan for the next 3 lessons.....did I mention she's 5?  So much for kids being "in the moment" more than being able to look ahead.

This particular lesson was dedicated to homemade lemonade.  I asked her why she chose this idea and she said "many of my television friends sell lemonade in their yards to make money and I want to buy the toy I listed first on my wish list for my toys, so I want to sell lemonade."

For anyone who underestimates the thought processes of children and believes they are impulsive at best...I beg to differ!!  haha  They indeed can be and will be planners when left to problem solve their issues.  Of course being left to problem solve includes letting the child experience the discomfort of having to satisfy their needs over time rather than immediately.  I find many of us choose to ensure our children are always happy or satisfied and within reason this is a sound practice, however, removing the ability to create self coping skills which inevitably lead to the development of problem solving skills, we are not allowing our children to develop a positive sense of self...their self esteem.

It wasn't even a thought for Eden to demand the toy or beg for the toy she's thinking of.  She became a problem solver, the solution makes sense (if it didn't we'd work together to refine it), and her sense of accomplishment will be huge once she receives money for her efforts.

Of course there will be some hurdles such as weather and the possibility of not making enough money but these will turn out to be great life lessons that will extend the need to problem solve and to possibly work together as a team.  Like teachers always promote.......ask for help!

I hope to update y'all soon on our results.  For now though, here are some pics of our trial batch of healthy lemonade!  The consenses was it tasted great, but mommy however decided there's got to be an easier way!!!!  LOL